Rikka Sunavalon Decks

[sc name="primerparrafocatdeck"][/sc]
Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Rikka Sunavalon Decks Profiles TCG
- 1st Place Utrecht WCQ Regional Rikka Sunavalon Decks
- 1st Place YCS Dortmund Therion Sunavalon Rikka Decks
- Top 4 Pennsylvania WCQ Regional Rikka Sunavalon Decks
- Top 8 Zagreb WCQ Regional Therion Sunavalon Rikkas
- 1st Place Saint Peters Regional Therion Sunavalon Rikkas
- Top 4 Kongs Cards Tournament Rikka Sunavalon Post Duelist Nexuss
- 1st Place WCQ Utrecht July 2023 Rikka Sunavalons
- Top 16 North America Remote Duel YCS Sunavalon Rikkas
Rikka Sunavalon Decks 2025
[sc name="parrafobajoh2nombredeckyear"][/sc]
Profile: Top 4 Queens WCQ Regional

Rikka Sunavalon Decks List 2025
- Sunseed Genius Loci x2
- Snowdrop the Rikka Fairy x1
- Mudan the Rikka Fairy x2
- Cactus Bouncer x1
- Primula the Rikka Fairy x1
- Rikka Princess x3
- Lonefire Blossom x1
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
- Sunseed Twin x1
- Rikka Petal x3
- Unexpected Dai x3
- Sunvine Sowing x2
- Rikka Glamour x3
- Terraforming x1
- Pot of Prosperity x2
- Called by the Grave x1
- Rikka Konkon x3
- Infinite Impermanence x3
- Rikka Sheet x1
- Rivalry of Warlords x3
Extra Deck
- Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton x1
- Teardrop the Rikka Queen x1
- Rikka Queen Strenna x3
- Benghalancer the Resurgent x1
- Sunavalon Melias x1
- Aromaseraphy Jasmine x2
- Sylvan Dancepione x1
- Sunvine Thrasher x1
- Sunvine Healer x1
- Sunavalon Dryas x3
Side Deck
- Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood x3
- Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion x1
- D.D. Crow x2
- Harpie's Feather Duster x1
- Dark Ruler No More x3
- Cosmic Cyclone x3
- Solemn Judgment x2