Transcendrake Decks
Learn about the best competitive versions for the yugioh Transcendrake Decks 2025.
Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Transcendrake Decks Profiles TCG

DINO Transcendrake Deck

Transcendrake Decks Deck 2025
See how to build a Transcendrake meta deck with one of the best recipes for this February. If you don't know any card below you can see the deck list.

Transcendrake Decks List 2025
- Frostosaurus x1
- Megalosmasher X x1
- Ultimate Conductor Tyranno x1
- True King Lithosagym, the Disaster x3
- Dinowrestler Pankratops x1
- Xeno Meteoros x2
- Giant Rex x1
- Miscellaneousaurus x1
- Souleating Oviraptor x3
- Scrap Chimera x1
- Scrap Raptor x2
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3
- Babycerasaurus x3
- Petiteranodon x1
- Animadorned Archosaur x2
- Double Evolution Pill x2
- Fossil Dig x3
- Ground Xeno x3
- Terraforming x1
- Pot of Prosperity x2
- Called by the Grave x1
- Dragonic Diagram x1
- Lost World x1
Extra Deck:
Transcendrake Gigantozowler x1
Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying x1
Baronne de Fleur x1
Borreload Savage Dragon x1
Evolzar Solda x1
Evolzar Laggia x1
Evolzar Dolkka x1
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir x1
Abyss Dweller x1
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World x1
Accesscode Talker x1
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess x1
Scrap Wyvern x1
Cross-Sheep x1
Linkuriboh x1