How to beat Floowandereeze

The best cards to stop the plays of the Floowandereeze deck.
How to counter Floowandereeze?
Remember! Not all cards have synergy with your deck, analyze each of the options and add the best ones to your main deck or side deck.
Side Deck vs Floowandereeze
- Droll and Lock Bird
- Shared Ride
- Infinite Impermanence
- Effect Veiler
- Ash Blossom
- Forbidden Chalice
- Any Kaiju
- Dark Ruler No More
- Raigeki
- Lightning Storm
- Zombie World
- Mask of Restric
- Artifact Lancea
- Imperial Iron Wall
- Ghost Ogre
- Summon Limit
- Soul Drain
- Pulling the Rug
We recommend you see how this deck is built and get a better idea of the cards it uses in its competitive recipes.
Do you know another card that works against this deck?
Share it in the comments below! Thanks 😀