Monarch Decks

[sc name="primerparrafocatdeck"][/sc]

Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Monarch Decks Profiles TCG

Monarch Morganite Post CYAC

Monarch Morganite Post CYAC deck list
Decklist below

Monarch Kashtira

Monarch Kashtira deck profile

Monarch Kaiju Tech

best monarch deck

Monarch Decks 2024

[sc name="parrafobajoh2nombredeckyear"][/sc]
Monarch Decks 2024

Monarch Decks List 2024

  • Erebus the Underworld Monarch x3
  • Ehther the Heavenly Monarch x3
  • Seleglare the Luminous Lunar Dragon x1
  • Anchamoufrite x3
  • Eidos the Underworld Squire x3
  • Edea the Heavenly Squire x3
  • One for One x1
  • Time-Tearing Morganite x3
  • Pantheism of the Monarchs x3
  • Reinforcement of the Army x1
  • Tenacity of the Monarchs x3
  • Foolish Burial x1
  • Called by the Grave x1
  • The Monarchs Stormforth x3
  • Return of the Monarchs x3
  • Domain of the True Monarchs x3
  • The Prime Monarch x2


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