Top 10 Side Deck Cards vs Snake Eyes

In Yu-Gi-Oh!, the Side Deck is essential for countering powerful archetypes like the Snake-Eyes. This guide highlights the best tactics and cards to use against this deck. Keep reading to master your duels!

- The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode
- Lava Golem
- Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
- Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
- Dimension Shifter
- Skull Meister
- Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
- Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
- PSY-Framegear Delta

- D.D. Crow
- Droll & Lock Bird
- Soul Release
- Lightning Storm
- Triple Tactics Talent
- Cosmic Cyclone
- Super Polymerization
- Deck Lockdown
- Dimensional Fissure
- Evenly Matched
- Different Dimension Ground